In late 2019, a new virus began to spread around the world, causing a severe respiratory infection in many people who became infected. The virus was named SARS coronavirus variant 2, and it causes an illness called COVID-19. If someone in your home or business has this illness, they may cough or sneeze viruses into the air and onto surfaces. We offer disinfection services to prevent the spread of the infection to others in your home or building.

How COVID-19 Spreads
Many bacteria and viruses spread through coughing and sneezing. When you cough or sneeze, germs are included in the aerosol of tiny droplets. Some of the bigger droplets fall and land on surfaces. Other droplets form a cloud in the air. When another person touches a contaminated surface or walks through the aerosol cloud, they can get infected with COVID-19, explains the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Our Cleaning and Disinfection Products
We come into your home or business and clean all surfaces. We then disinfect with cleaning products approved by the Environmental Protection Agency. Cleaning first enhances the effectiveness of our professional-grade disinfectants. Our proprietary blend of hydrogen peroxide and metal ions kills viruses and bacteria within five minutes of contact. There are no odors, and no volatile organic compounds are left in your home or commercial building. Our sanitizing process includes difficult-to-reach areas.
Our Disinfection Procedures
Our cleaning team arrives at your home or business discreetly. We evaluate the environment and locate all high-touch surfaces. By isolating and sanitizing high-touch surfaces, we lower the risk of spreading infections to others. We then disinfect other areas as appropriate. Our cleaners wear appropriate personal protective equipment, and we properly dispose of all contaminated cleaning materials.
To learn more about how we disinfect homes and businesses, check out ServiceMaster Restoration of First Coast’s commercial and residential cleaning services, or call us for additional details.